February 27, 2023
November 16, 2023Lama, an injured stray cat, wants a home of his own.
He appeared around May in 2021. He was limping. We caught him and took him to the vet in order to have an x-ray and be neutered. He had a fractured femur and had to undergo surgery. Since he was lively and hyper, the metal implant placed to support his leg was twisted and it could no longer be removed. Nonetheless he has no problem moving and he has grown to be a big, very healthy tiger.
Lama is about 2.5 years old and fostered in a place with many other cats. He gets along fine with other cats, but he’s wary of people. He’s quiet, follows us around the place when we’re there, but he won’t let us pet him. Since his foster will soon end and we can’t leave Lama on the street, we are searching for a home for him and who knows, if he gains your trust he might even sleep in your bed. He should only stay indoors and any balconies should be cat-proof with screening, etc.